

The DNZ Coinshop, also known as the Donatorshop, is a script that allows players to purchase items and vehicles using coins or in-game money.

General Features

  • Code management and generation

  • Customizable available items and vehicles


  1. Download the script files.

  2. Place the script folder (dnz_coinshop) into your server's resource directory.

  3. Open the dnz_startscript file in your server's resource directory.

  4. Add the following line to the Config.Scripts section of dnz_startscript: resourceX = { name = "dnz_coinshop", anticheat = false },

  5. Save the dnz_startscript file.

  6. Customize the configuration in the config.lua file according to your preferences. By adding the dnz_coinshop script to the dnz_startscript, you ensure that it is properly loaded and managed with other scripts.

Script Settings

The script includes various configurable settings that can be adjusted according to your server's needs. These settings can be found in the Config.lua file.

Language Configuration

The language configuration allows you to customize the texts displayed in the Coinshop user interface. You can modify the following language settings:

  • htmltopheader: The Coinshop header text.

  • htmltopslogan: The Coinshop slogan text.

  • htmltopslogan1: Additional text describing the purchasing options.

Admin Access

To grant access to the Coinshop for administrators, you can specify their roles in the AuthorizedAdmins table. By default, the following roles have access: superadmin, admin.

Access Method

You can choose how players can access the Coinshop using the AccessMethod setting. There are three options:

  • key: Players can open the Coinshop using a key.

  • command: Players can open the Coinshop using a command.

  • ped: Players can interact with an NPC ped to open the Coinshop.

Access Command and Keybind

If you choose the command access method, you can specify the command to open the Coinshop using the AccessCommand setting. Players can use this command to access the Coinshop.

You can also allow players to change the keybind for accessing the Coinshop in their FiveM settings by setting AllowChangeKeybindviaSettings to true.

Access Ped (NPC)

If you choose the ped access method, you can specify the coordinates and heading of the NPC ped using the AccessPed and AccessPedHeading settings, respectively. Players can interact with this ped to open the Coinshop.

NPC Ped Model

The NPC ped model used for the Coinshop can be set using the NPCPED setting. By default, it is set to "cs_movpremmale".

Use Cash Items

The UseCashItems setting allows you to enable or disable the use of in-game money for purchasing items in the Coinshop.

Coin Items

You can define the available items for purchase using coins in the CoinItems table. Each item requires the following information:

  • img: Path to the item's image.

  • coins: The number of coins required to purchase the item.

  • item: Details of the item being purchased, including its type (cash, item, or vehicle), image, label, description, vehicle hash (if applicable), cash amount (if type is cash), item name (if type is item), and item amount (if type is item).

Cash Items

You can define the available items for purchase using in-game money in the CashItems table. Each item requires the following information:

  • img: Path to the item's image.

  • cash: The amount of in-game money required to purchase the item.

  • item: Details of the item being purchased, including its type (cash, item, or vehicle), image, label, description, vehicle hash (if applicable), cash amount (if type is cash), item name (if type is item), and item amount (if type is item).


The Marker settings allow you to customize the appearance of the marker that indicates the location of the Coinshop on the map. You can specify the marker's color (red by default) and transparency, as well as its size.

Security Token

To enhance security, the script requires a security token. You should set the Token variable in the dnz_system table to your desired token.

Discord Server

For discussions, questions, and support related to this project, please join our Discord server.

Last updated