

  • 100% Custom Design

  • Obfuscated and IP Locked


  1. Download the script files.

  2. Place the script folder (dnz_callhelp_qb) into your server's resource directory.

  3. Open the dnz_startscript file in your server's resource directory.

  4. Add the following line to the Config.Scripts section of dnz_startscript: resourceX = { name = "dnz_callhelp_qb", anticheat = false },

  5. Save the dnz_startscript file.

  6. Customize the configuration in the config.lua file according to your preferences. By adding the dnz_callhelp_qb script to the dnz_startscript, you ensure that it is properly loaded and managed with other scripts.


The user can perform the following actions through the menu:

  • Report players

  • Report errors

  • Report bugs

  • Request refunds

  • Call an admin

Available Versions

  • ESX

  • QB


dnz_system = {}
-- Security
dnz_system.Token = "" -- Security Token @dnz.wtf
dnz_system.getSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject" -- Shared Object
dnz_system.ScriptName = 'dnz_callhelp_qb'

Config = {}
Config.UIName = 'Admincall'
Config.AuthorizedSupporters = {'superadmin', 'admin', 'sup'} -- Groups allowed to provide support
Config.MinCooldown = 1 -- Time in minutes before another report can be sent
Config.Command = "support" -- /support
Config.KeybindOpen = true -- Enable Keybind? Check FiveM Key Settings
Config.defaultKey = 'F10' -- Default key to open if KeybindOpen is set to true
Config.PlayerReports = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/884545880957530173/iu7qKKPkdN7pcwAjGI62_ffP5updHn_I65UttzZdHI-eEE3EDSS1JxW4OZgAfPTl_U22"
Config.BugReports = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/884545880957530173/iu7qKKPkdN7pcwAjGI62_ffP5updHn_I65UttzZdHI-eEE3EDSS1JxW4OZgAfPTl_U22"
Config.DupeReports = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/884545880957530173/iu7qKKPkdN7pcwAjGI62_ffP5updHn_I65UttzZdHI-eEE3EDSS1JxW4OZgAfPTl_U22"
Config.RefundRequests = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/884545880957530173/iu7qKKPkdN7pcwAjGI62_ffP5updHn_I65UttzZdHI-eEE3EDSS1JxW4OZgAfPTl_U22"
Config.AdminCalls = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/884545880957530173/iu7qKKPkdN7pcwAjGI62_ffP5updHn_I65UttzZdHI-eEE3EDSS1JxW4OZgAfPTl_U22"

Discord Server

For discussions, questions, and support related to this project, please join our Discord server.

Last updated