

This script implements a Coinflip (Casino) system.

General Features Ability to go "All in" with the bet. Customize the bet amount.


  1. Download the script files.

  2. Place the script folder (dnz_coinflip) into your server's resource directory.

  3. Open the dnz_startscript file in your server's resource directory.

  4. Add the following line to the Config.Scripts section of dnz_startscript: resourceX = { name = "dnz_coinflip", anticheat = false },

  5. Save the dnz_startscript file.

  6. Customize the configuration in the config.lua file according to your preferences. By adding the dnz_coinflip script to the dnz_startscript, you ensure that it is properly loaded and managed with other scripts.


The configuration file for the script is as follows:

dnz_system = {}
-- Security
dnz_system.Token = "" -- Security Token @dnz.wtf
dnz_system.getSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject" -- Shared Object
dnz_system.ScriptName = 'dnz_coinflip' -- Scriptname
dnz_system.Webhook = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/979856759789334619/pDhY0v3jZmMqU3dKrH6dpNw42In5wwA5Q29eSTMChgtrDlYFRAj-j7DzlD2z6u7nbARu' -- Webhook

Config = {}
Config.accessPoint = vector3(910.75, 51.70, 79.9)
Config.pedHeading = 241.61
Config.maxBet = 10000

Config.Lang = 'de'
Config.Language = {
	['de'] = {
                ["balance"] = "BALANCE: $",
                ["notenoughmoney"] = "You don't have enough money",
                ["errorinput"] = "You must bet at least $1",
                ["minimum"] = "You must bet at least $1",
                ["error"] = "Error!",
                ["youfirst"] = "You have $",
                ["youwon"] = " won",
                ["youloose"] = " lost",
                ["congratulations"] = "Congratulations!",
                ["nowin"] = "Unfortunately, no win..",
                ["maxBet"] = "Maximum bet: $" .. Config.maxBet,
                ["texttop"] = "COINFLIP",
                ["texttop1"] = "GUESS THE OUTCOME AND DOUBLE YOUR BET",
                ["textbet"] = "BET",
                ["textred"] = "RED",
                ["textblack"] = "BLACK",
                --Discord Logs
                ["playerwon"] = "```The player {PLAYER} won ${AMOUNT} in Coinflip.```",
                ["playerlost"] = "```The player {PLAYER} lost ${AMOUNT} in Coinflip.```",

Discord Server

For discussions, questions, and support related to this project, please join our Discord server.

Last updated