
General Information

  • Adjustable blips

  • Adjustable win chance for items/vehicles

  • Adjustable price and visitor bonuses

  • Adjustable ped and position of the vehicle


  1. Download the script files.

  2. Place the script folder (dnz_casinowheel) into your server's resource directory.

  3. Open the dnz_startscript file in your server's resource directory.

  4. Add the following line to the Config.Scripts section of dnz_startscript: resourceX = { name = "dnz_casinowheel", anticheat = false },

  5. Save the dnz_startscript file.

  6. Customize the configuration in the config.lua file according to your preferences. By adding the dnz_casinowheel script to the dnz_startscript, you ensure that it is properly loaded and managed with other scripts.

Security Settings

dnz_system = {}
dnz_system.Token = "" -- Security Token @dnz.wtf
dnz_system.getSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject" -- Shared Object
dnz_system.ScriptName = 'dnz_casinowheel' -- Scriptname
dnz_system.Webhook = ''
dnz_system.WebhookImage = ''
```Script Settings```lua
Config = {}

Config.UseESXHelpNotification = false -- Standard ESX Helpnotification when interacting with the NPC or normal notify

Config.ItemsValueNotUpdatingFix = true -- Some users have issues syncing inventory over the client-side

Config.Marker = {
    r = 0,
    g = 150,
    b = 200,
    a = 100,
    x = 1111.09,
    y = 228.8,
    z = -49.64,
    scaleX = 0.5,
    scaleY = 0.5,
    scaleZ = 0.5,
    DrawDistance = 30.0,
    Type = 2,
    range = 1.5

Config.Ped = {
    coords = vector3(1117.46, 219.3, -50.44),
    heading = 109.02,
    model = 'cs_movpremmale',
    range = 2.5

Config.Car = {
    ausstellungsAuto = 'r8cabt', -- ModelName
    coords = vector3(1099.95, 219.98, -49.17),
    head = 234.27,
    primaryColor = {0, 255, 0},
    secondaryColor = {255, 0, 0},
    plate = 'DNZ'

Config.Wheel = {
    -- wheel configuration here

## Discord Server

For discussions, questions, and support related to this project, please join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/dnzv3).

Last updated